New Foundland


The NLPNP Skilled Worker category exists to nominate individuals who have specialized skills that are deemed as having a critical impact on the operations of an employer in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Who is eligible for the Skilled Worker category?

You are eligible for the Skilled Worker category if you:

  • Have a full-time job offer from a Newfoundland and Labrador employer, or a job or job offer that has compensation in the form of a salary and benefits package that meets provincial employment standards and prevailing wage rates;
  • Have a Citizenship and Immigration Canada Work Permit or is entitled to apply for one;
  • Have the qualifications, training, skills, and/or accreditation required for the job;
  • Can demonstrate the intention and ability to settle permanently in Newfoundland and Labrador;
  • Have a job or job offer that does not contravene existing bargaining unit agreements or any employment disputes;
  • Can demonstrate that you have sufficient settlement funds and financial resources to successfully establish yourself and any dependents in Newfoundland and Labrador;
  • Your employer (or future employer) can demonstrate a need for your skill set; and
  • Can demonstrate sufficient English or French language capability to perform the employment duties. Your English language ability must be verified by one of the following:
    • An Affidavit of English Language Ability from a Newfoundland and Labrador employer who has offered you a full-time job; or
    • Education and/or training documents
    • Occupations classified in NOC Code C or D will have to meet Minimum language requirement

You are not eligible for the Skilled Worker category if:

  • You are a failed refugee claimant or a refugee claimant living in Newfoundland and Labrador;
  • You do not have a full-time job offer from a Newfoundland and Labrador employer (unless your employer can demonstrate a need for your skill set).
  • You or any dependent family member over the age of 18 (whether or not the are accompanying them) have a criminal record;
  • You have unresolved custody or child support disputes. You must have these issues resolved before starting the immigration process
  • You have intentionally misrepresented yourself in the application; or
  • If the employer has intentionally misrepresented themselves or you in relation to their role in business.
  • Note: If you lose or quit your job during the nomination process, you may lose your eligiblity and your nomination and/or Permanent Residency application may be cancelled. If you are experiencing issues with your employment, contact your PNP Officer immediately.
  • Note: Any activity potentially constituting fraud will be investigated and may result in criminal proceedings.

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